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MPEG DASH: The File Format of the Future?

"If HLS were perfect, DASH would not exist," said 蒂埃里Fautier, 谐波's senior director of telco solutions, referring to Apple's proprietary HTTP 在线直播。 (HLS) 协议和更新的MPEG支持的HTTP动态自适应流(MPEG DASH)标准规范.

“苹果向互联网工程任务组(IETF)介绍的只是一个信息草案," added another panelist on the five-person panel. “我们不认为他们一定打算把HLS作为一个真正的互联网标准来推行."

The MPEG DASH panel, led by 微软伊拉克的Sodagar, who has chaired the MPEG subcommittee on DASH for the past year, was a hot ticket at the 2011 流媒体西部 show, held this week at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles. 一群只能站着的人听取了MPEG-DASH推广组织中一些公司的代表的发言.

超过50家公司和90位专家为MPEG-DASH规范做出了贡献," said Sodagar during his introductory remarks, “包括苹果, Adobe, and all the companies represented here today. The proposed first-step of MPEG-DASH is on the verge of completion, 我们认为我们采取了最佳实践中的最佳实践,并将其纳入了标准."

"The growth of video over mobile networks is exponential, from a Qualcomm。 perspective,迈克·露比说, Qualcomm。's vice president of technology. “因此,我们认为视频标准化是非常重要的,我们积极参与了标准委员会,以确保有一种可通过标准web服务器传输的自适应优化的通用格式, 使用通用加密."

The common file format (CFF) that Luby refers to is based on the 紫外线 CFF是数字娱乐内容生态系统(DECE)与通用加密(CENC)方案一起发布的,该方案以可互操作的方式使用五种不同的数字版权管理(DRM)方案.

"We also see a value in unmuxed audio and video,露比补充说, 使用各种语言的非多路复用基本音频流作为“在线DVD”等价物的示例. “最重要的是,我们欢迎有机会使用所有以开放标准交付的现代文件格式."

将法律, Akamai's principal architect for media engineering, offered his perspective from a content delivery network (CDN) perspective.

“我们快8岁了.今天是5tb,罗说, 指的是Akamai最近为同步CDN内容交付设定的峰值记录.


"We need to use HTTP to keep up with the demand curve for video on the web, but we can't do it with proprietary servers, 因为这意味着要把我们的百家乐软件分成三个部分,并尽量平等地交付给这三个部分,他补充道. “我们真正需要做的是将我们所有的边缘缓存服务器用于一个标准, 这样我们和我们的用户就可以专注于内容和营销,而不是为三个独立的流媒体服务器解决方案重复同样的事情."

Asked by an audience member about the benefit of an HTTP solution, using standard HTTP servers, Akamai作为CDN, Law说,他觉得Akamai的智能云可以在DASH的边缘做一些有趣的事情,这是标准HTTP服务器无法做到的.

一位来自 网飞公司, senior engineer 马克沃特森, 他说,MPEG-DASH是他的公司已经在做的通过HTTP向大量流媒体客户提供碎片化的MPEG-4视频的自然扩展.

"We're already using these file formats, and we see huge cache efficiencies of a single file format,华生说. “我们认为我们可以通过使用标准网络来降低CDN成本,但我们也看到MPEG-DASH在使用通用加密(CENC)的多种消费电子设备上的DRM不可知性,这将使我们提供内容的优质内容所有者受益.

Watson also alluded to the online DVD equivalent, 部分原因是使用了基本流(那些不像苹果专有的HLS协议那样多路复用的流).

“我们认为未经混合的音频和视频基本流可以轻松实现多语言体验,华生说, "mimicking the offline multi-audio DVD experience. 这样做的时候, 我们看到了一个开放标准的巨大好处,这个标准是流媒体领域许多公司合作的结果."

爱立信大卫·普莱斯, vice president of business development for the company's compression business, 上述消费者行为和向移动设备的转移推动了对通用标准的需求.

"Changes in consumer behavior that are driving the need for MPEG-DASH, 至少根据我们的消费者调查,我们采访了来自40个国家的人,普赖斯说。. “几年前,当我们开始进入3GPP单播时,我们看到了对通用交付解决方案的需求, and those learnings form much of the basis of MPEG-DASH, along with technology contributions from other companies on this panel."

"We also see a need to make money in the ecosystem," added Price. "爱立信 sees there's a need for content management systems, third-party billing and back-office solutions. 我们都同意交付标准的有效性,并创建一个强大的生态系统."

Panelists were asked about the expected timeframe for DASH-compliant players, and Price stressed interoperability is key.

"Even though we don't know where the tipping point will be for DASH, 因为HLS很普遍,普赖斯说。, “我们认为花在MPEG-DASH通用性上的时间是值得的. Everyone at this table wants to promote interoperability.


"We've been successful with our ProMedia transcoding products,福捷说, “但我们觉得需要一种标准,能够将自适应流媒体扩展到电视大小的观众. 为此目的, 我们所有的ProMedia解决方案都可以使用特殊的软件许可证升级到MPEG-DASH."


“我们希望从2012年开始看到一种通用的文件格式和通用的加密,福捷说, 也许是用马林鱼, one of the five DRM schemes, 作为标准. France and Spain will be implementing first."

Scroll down to view the entire session and download the presentation 这是它的特点:

MPEG-DASH: Driving The Growth Of Streaming Using The New HTTP Standard
最近开发的MPEG-DASH为因特网上的多媒体流提供了一个标准规范. 在本次会议上, 我们将讨论MPEG-DASH如何促进市场的增长,并使内容和服务的共同生态系统能够支持向各种设备(如pc)交付, 电视, 笔记本电脑, 机顶盒, 游戏机, tablets and mobiles phones.  
主持人: Iraj Sodagar, Principle Program Manager, 微软
发言人: 迈克露比, VP, Technology, Qualcomm。
发言人: 将法律, Principal Architect, Media Engineering, Akamai
发言人: 蒂埃里Fautier, Sr. Director, Telco Solutions, 谐波
发言人: 马克沃特森, Senior Engineer, 网飞公司
发言人: 大卫的价格, VP, Compression Business Development, 爱立信

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

网飞公司 Sees Cost Savings in MPEG DASH Adoption


MPEG DASH Specification is Ratified and Streamlined


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