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流媒体 团队在2023年底找到我,让我写一篇关于 快(免费广告支持流媒体电视), it took me just a min­ute to make up my mind as to how ambitions perfectly align with my newsletter 流媒体变得容易, where I dissect the latest news and trends in the streaming video industry through a Euro­pean lens. 所以,话不多说,让我们一起进入这些快速时代.


As 2024 begins, it is worth taking a quick look at what happened in 2023 in the 欧洲快景观,因为它告诉我们前方是什么.

人们常说欧洲比美国落后3年.S. 说到快. 的确,快于2019年在美国起飞.S.; in 2022, we were still debating whether it had a role to play in the European ecosystem. 但到2022年底, 几个玩家已经迈出了他们的第一步. 2023 got everyone on the same page: 快 should be part of the me­dia mix whether you are a content provider, 一个电视台, 或者一个分销平台.

现在的问题更多地围绕着我们如何去做. 欧洲的市场与美国几乎没有相似之处.S. 市场, 以很少的免费观看内容为快速成功做好准备, 付费电视的巨额亏损, 掐线者涌向中央电视台, 以及一个庞大而先进的广告市场. This past year shed some light on what a Eu­ropean 快速的景观 could look like. We in­deed saw increased interest and activity from a range of European stakeholders. The region experienced accelerated growth in the num­ber of channel and platform launches; brands got more premium, exclusive deals; and live content made its entrance. Five trends got my attention in 2023 that I believe will fuel the growth of 快 in Europe in 2024.


欧洲快平台将注重质量而不是数量. 在4月份的MIP-TV 2023期间, 三星TV Plus表示将设置软帽 在欧洲有120-150个频道, which is far from the 350-plus channels carried by The Roku Channel or 三星电视Plus in the U.S. 2023年第三季度,冥王星电视在美国拥有147个频道.K. 德国是173家(美国下降了15%).K. 而三星TV Plus在美国有145台.K. 德国112人(图1).

图1. 截至2023年第三季度,欧洲快频道总数

The reason behind this quality-over-quan­tity approach stems from the landscape these platforms navigate, where 快 must find its spot among the extensive free-to-air content available to European audiences. 简而言之,我们已经有很多事情要做了. 这种对质量的追求体现在一线品牌的新品发布上:

  • 传统广播公司: 美国有线电视新闻网, Altice集团, “法国24小时”, 法国电视, and Zee One are syndicating their linear feeds or creating bespoke 快 feeds.
  • 广播机构的商业实体: 4频道, ITV Studios, BBC工作室, ZDF工作室, and UKTV are grabbing the opportunity to get out of their home 市场 or their own hubs to grow their brands on third-party platforms.
  • 一级运动品牌: FIFA+, La Liga+, DAZN, SPORT1, and Tennis Channel Spain are entering the space.

Sports and news are often cited as the two genres holding down the fort for linear broad­cast TV. 是时候看到主要的运动和品牌交叉了, 随着体育节目的播出, 这在美国几乎没有先例.S. 快速的景观, which has mostly focused on shoulder content sports program­ming (pre- and post-event) rather than the game itself.

Channels like DAZN, La Liga+, and the Ten­nis Channel feature several live events a week now. 体育方面也带来了三星和冥王星TV的独家播放, with partners like DAZN showing us they see sports as a differ­entiator worth investing in.


在美国.S., 快 has been the purview of pure players like Pluto TV or Tubi and CTV platforms like The Roku Channel, 三星电视Plus, 和免费的vee. 在欧洲, 快汇集了更加多样化的玩家, with telecom operators/pay TV providers and broadcasters launching 快 hubs.

For telecom operators, 快 is a natural ex­tension of their existing channel lineups. 像外普这样的公司.tv、Zattoo、Molotov、Orange或Virgin Media很早就明白这一点. 为广播, adding 快 channels is about super-serving their audience and increasing time spent on their platform. ITVX, TF1+和Joyn (ProSiebenSat的一部分).1 Group) refer­ence 20-plus channels each (a mix of owned-and-operated channels and a few third-party channels).


In the fight for viewers’ attention, it is easy to think that going it alone is the way to win. 以下是你应该三思而后行的两个原因:

  • 在这个追求盈利的时代,这是代价高昂的.
  • 在你不太了解的市场中,这种方法很长,而且可能无效.

看到一些公司采取不同的方式是一件令人着迷的事情, 这里有三个例子引起了我的注意:

  • Hisense and VIDAA signing partnerships to power the 快 hub VIDAA 免费的 in European 市场s
  • Samsung Ads brokering a deal with TF1 PUB (the ad sales house of French commercial broadcaster TF1) to boost monetization
  • Pluto TV widening its device coverage with distribution partnerships with telecom operators like Virgin Media, Bouygues电信公司, 和MagentaTV(德国电信)


Educating consumers to turn them into view­ers is still a top priority for 快 stakeholders. It is not so much a question of consumers under­standing what 快 is as them realising they have access to 100-plus channels for free.

The 市场ing playbook for 快 got a first design with 三星电视Plus and Pluto TV investing in out-of-home activations, 但我渴望看到更多提高意识的举措. Pluto TV’s campaign on the Sphere in Las Vegas makes me excited about what is yet to come. 一旦消费者进入,下一个挑战就是渠道发现. 关于 改进的可发现性, 但无论我们采取什么方法, 是时候在这方面加快步伐了, 什么是整个平台粘性的核心.


关于在欧洲的应用和渗透率,我们仍然没有多少数据, 但我们最渴望的是有关快营收潜力的数据. 研究机构Omdia是第一个提供美国以外的数字.S.美国与中国的比例为10:1.S. 而世界其他地方(图2).

图2. 来源: Omdia了解快报告,《百家乐app下载》,2023年

在没有实际平台数据的情况下, it is hard to say if these estimates have a grip on the true potential of 快 in Europe. What this tells me, though, is that we should not expect a 快 gold rush in Europe like in the U.S. 原因很简单:这两个地区差别太大了. 这是否意味着我们应该完全放弃这种模式? 当然不是. We must write our own success story for 快 in Europe—a story in which 快 becomes:

  • 公司飞轮的稳定收入流
  • 为观众带来附加价值的留存工具
  • 在钱包紧缩的时候,这是SVOD的替代品
  • 这是一种增加时间和吸引轻电视观众的方法
  • 一个展示服务不足的内容和社区的空间
  • A playground to experiment in and build a stellar advertising experience with the best of digital and TV combined

我会在这个故事中尽我的一份力量. 有.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


新闻 broadcasting is one of the most exciting and quickly growing areas for 快 development, highlighted by the recent announcement of the BBC/AMC 24-hour live 快 news channel. 其他传统媒体新闻广播公司, 比如斯克里普斯, 辛克莱, 赫斯特, 和《百家乐app下载》, 也进入了快新闻领域, 他们中的许多人都专注于本地内容. What are some of the current trends and challenges for 快 news delivery? 在本文中,几位领先的行业评论员提供了见解.


2024年是最终选举年. 包括美国在内,共有91个国家加入了该组织.S.,美国.K.美国、印度和27个欧盟国家将举行选举. 在这种情况下, it's no surprise to witness platforms and news outlets finessing their 快 channel strategy. 在这方面,BBC新闻快速频道的推出恰逢其时. BBC新闻现在可以在Pluto TV等平台上作为快频道收看, 三星电视Plus, Xumo玩, VIZIO, 和更多的.

新的Tubi流媒体报告揭示了Z世代 & 千禧一代对SVOD的偏好 & 快

Tubi, 福克斯公司的广告支持流媒体服务, released findings from The Stream 2024: Streaming Insights for Marketers. 在今年的报告中, Tubi, 与哈里斯民意调查合作进行调查的人, provided a deep dive into the behaviors and preferences of today's streamers to help inform 市场ing strategies. 流媒体的泰勒·内斯勒采访了Tubi的辛西娅·克莱文格, B2B营销高级副总裁, 关于该报告的许多主要发现及其揭示的内容