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The world of live sports broadcasting is undoubtedly the jewel in the crown of any broadcaster’s channel line-up. The sheer unpredictability and electrifying tension that live sports programming offers make it an enticing and captivating experience for viewers. 然而, the same unpredictability is true for service providers who must navigate the difficult landscape of predicting live event demand while simultaneously expanding their network capacity to ensure a seamless streaming experience.

这种动态已经在发挥作用, 因为流媒体打开了直接面向消费者(D2C)服务的大门, pushing audiences’ expectations for broadcast-scale quality streams with minimal latency across all connected devices.  它还准备在计划于2024年举行的大型现场活动中发挥作用, not least the Paris 2024 Olympic Games – projected to be one of the most-watched Olympic Games in history when it commences in July. A likely record-breaking global audience presents a pivotal moment for service providers to optimize their networks, meeting the uncompromising quality expectations of today’s sports fans who will stream the live event.


It is no secret that live sports consumption has evolved in line with technological advancements and changing viewer behavior. 但是,虽然网络可以为一些可预测的流量峰值做好准备, 有时,数百万用户会意外地收听同一个单播流, 造成巨大的交通高峰. 打造一个完美地提供直播内容的网络绝非易事, especially as service providers transition to all-IP architectures for their managed content services. They find themselves managing unpredictable traffic from live and on-demand over-the-top (OTT) services which competes for the same network and compute resources as their own streaming services.

Many forward-thinking service providers are taking steps to optimize their networks by embracing new technologies, 比如开放缓存, which efficiently handles peak demands for live events and outperforms traditional commercial content delivery networks (CDNs) with unmatched quality of experience (QoE). 超越短期利益, 开放缓存为服务提供者的长期目标奠定了基础, serving as the platform for future edge computing use cases that will inevitably transform service provider networks and their edge cloud offerings.


Open Caching dramatically offloads streaming content from the service provider’s core network by positioning it in edge caches much closer to the viewer. This proximity translates to lower latency, higher throughput, and reduced time to the first frame. 其结果是较低的再缓冲率和较高的平均分辨率, 显著提升观看体验.

不像传统的CDN节点, 哪些是位于市中心的, 开放缓存节点被部署在尽可能靠近最终用户的地方, 通常只有几英里甚至几个街区远. 这种紧密性使应用程序和内容能够绕过对等点, 这是实现QoE的最大障碍. 有形的好处是显而易见的:更流畅的流, 更好的质量, 减少了运动爱好者的挫败感. 在一起, these benefits add up to a broadcast-like experience that ensures viewers engage with the content for longer and are less likely to abandon a service due to poor performance in latency or buffering issues.


Content publishers are keenly aware of the challenges of securing delivery capacity for live events. 在2022年卡塔尔世界杯之前, Qwilt调查了300家内容出版商 关于他们在大规模直播大型活动时遇到的主要挑战. 调查结果突出了他们对CDN容量和性能的担忧, 尤其是在观看高峰时段. Over half of the respondents expressed worries regarding their commercial CDN’s capacity and overall performance.

向一千万或更多的观众提供成功的直播活动, the survey participants unanimously agreed that multiple commercial CDNs would be necessary to ensure peak capacity and high-quality delivery. 随着越来越多的体育迷转向在线平台来享受他们喜欢的内容, 包括虚拟现实和云游戏等新兴应用, 内容交付的选择成为一个关键因素. A multi-CDN approach utilizing Open Caching emerges as the solution to provide top-quality viewing experiences, 避免了传统CDN模型的容量和QoE限制.


Streaming services have good reason to use caching services that are deeply embedded in service provider networks and, 因此, 尽可能接近消费者. 然而, managing multiple proprietary caches within the network can become burdensome for service providers as the scale grows. Proprietary or “black box” caches from third-party content providers or traditional CDNs don’t offer service providers visibility or control and add more complexity to the network. 这就是Open Caching发挥作用的地方, offering service providers visibility through rich analytics and control via open APIs within a unified platform. 这种方法解决了直播中的可伸缩性问题,并简化了整个过程.

随着流媒体迅速成为观看体育直播的首选媒体, 观众的期望已经上升到与传统广播相匹配的水平. 确保一个完美的质量流现在很大程度上取决于服务提供商, and Open Caching presents a superior architecture and model to meet these expectations while paving the way for future innovations at the network edge.

开放缓存支持可伸缩的实时流传输, making it the driving force behind the transformation of the live sports broadcasting landscape. Service providers and content publishers alike are recognizing the immense potential of this technology – bringing them together to address the ever-increasing demands of viewers worldwide, 并保证为未来提供无与伦比的现场体育体验.

[编者注:这是来自 Qwilt. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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